It’s not likely you will have trouble connecting your buds, but due to interference with other
wireless signals, sometimes an extra step is needed.
Please follow these steps to reset the buds and sync them with your device:
1. When you open the case, the left earbud LED will flash indicating pairing mode. If the left
earbud does not flash for auto-pairing, a manual connection needed.
2. For a manual connection, take the earbuds from the case and hold both buttons for 5
seconds to turn them off.
3. After waiting a moment, press and hold the buttons for 7 seconds or until the white LEDs
begin to flash.
4. Next, place the buds back in the case and wait a moment. The buds are now synced to
each other and ready to pair with your device. Please reference the quick start guide for the
standard pairing procedure.
If you are still experiencing pairing issues, we suggest a full factory reset.
5. Finally, open your device’s Bluetooth® settings and turn off the Bluetooth® feature. Wait a
moment, then turn it back on. Sometimes your device requires a restart. You can also restart
your device by shutting it down then powering it back on.