It can be a little confusing that order numbers used to look like M2Z005123BC or E2Z005123BC and now they look a little different! Our website has gone through some changes and now our order confirmation numbers will simply be a number with no letters involved.
Not to worry, any previous order numbers you may have can still be searched for by any of our agents! You should see your registered products and previous purchase history as well.
If something previously registered is not appearing on your dashboard, it can certainly be registered again. Remember that our keyboard products carry a limited one-year or two-year warranty, depending on the region. Our mophie batteries and chargers have a limited two-year warranty, and our Gear4 cases and InvisibleShield screen protectors carry a limited lifetime warranty.
For instructions on how to register your product, click here.
For instructions on how to replace your product, click here.
To get in touch with a Care agent, click here.